About me

Hey! I'm Andrew, a software engineer in Australia working in real-time simulations for mining technologies.

My interests

  • Software Engineering - I love learning new technologies and building things with them.
  • Video Games - I have been playing video games since I was a kid, and I still play them to this day.
  • Cooking - I love cooking, I cook almost every day, mostly pasta and Asian food.

My skills

  • Programming Languages - C++, Rust, C#, Lua, Python, TypeScript
  • Technologies - Unity, OpenGL, wgpu, .NET, React, Express.js, Git
  • Knowledge - Game Engine Development, Games Development, Graphics Programming, Web Development, Object-Oriented Programming, Data-Oriented Design

What I'm currently learning

  • Rust - I am primarily a C++ developer, and after hearing many good things about Rust, I decided to give it a try.
  • Vim Motions - I was astonished by how fast some people can navigate in Vim, and I want to be able to do the same.

My ongoing projects

  • Luminol Engine - A game engine written in Rust and wgpu.
  • Luminol Bot - A Discord bot written in Rust using the Serenity library.

My past projects

  • Reflex Engine - A game engine written in C++, rendering with OpenGL, and using Lua for scripting.
  • Idoba Onboarding - A VR onboarding experience for new employees at Idoba made in Unity for the Quest 2.
  • VaxAttack - A serious game about the process of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines made in Unity.
  • Duck and Cover 2: Duck Harder - A duck-themed FPS game made in C++ and rendering with OpenGL, extended from an esoteric legacy codebase.
  • Game Of Life - A simulation of Conway's Game of Life rendered with Canvas in JavaScript.
  • Reflex Shell - A custom shell written in C for the Linux Operating System.

Contact me