
I have always wanted a personal website since I was in university, a place on the internet where I can share anything I want. (I am not a big fan of social media)

As a result, I have made a few attempts in the past by using web technologies such as the LAMP and MERN stack which I had learned in university and online courses.

Though it worked, I spent too much time on the design and the code, and not enough time on the content. By the time I had finished the website, other things had taken priority, and I had no time to write anything.

Now that university is over, I have decided to give it another go. This time, I have decided to use Zola, a static site generator written in Rust.

Why Zola?

I have chosen Zola because I am a big fan of Rust having just learned it recently.

It is statically generated, I can use a simple hosting service such as GitHub Pages to host my website.

Zola uses Markdown, which is a simple markup language that I am familiar with having used it in the past for note taking and writing documentation. As I am a software engineer, I would want to give some code examples in my posts, and Markdown makes it easy to do so with syntax highlighting.

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, Zola!");

I can also use a theme, which will save me a lot of time on the design, which I am not very good at.

What can you expect from this website?

I will be using this website to share my journey in software engineering.

This includes my experience in learning new technologies, my thoughts on software engineering, and my projects.

I am by no means an expert in software engineering, but I hope that by sharing my experiences, I am able to consolidate what I have learned and help others who are also learning software engineering.